Skandinavia’s leading manufacturer

Skeie er Skandinavias ledende produsent og leverandør av fastmonterte sitteløsninger for kultur, kino-, konsert- og teatersaler, og offentlige miljøer i undervisningssektoren.

Vi leverer kvalitetsprodukter med unik sittekomfort, flott design med lang levetid som blir produsert innen EU. Vår referanseliste inneholder verdenskjente kunder som FNs sikkerhetsråd i New York, atomforskingssenteret i Cern i Sveis, besøkssenteret til 9/11 Memorial & Museum og Warner Brothers i Hollywood for å nevne noen.

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We supply both the public and private sectors.

No matter what type of hall or solution you need, no matter what kind of chairs you need – when you work with us, you have developer, manufacturer and supplier in one and the same company.

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More than 75 years of experience.

Unique expertise, continuous product development and direct market contact have made us Scandinavia’s leading supplier of fixed seating solutions.

About Skeie Seating

Environmental responsibility & Sustainability

We want to be a driving force for a more sustainable future in the furniture industry. By delivering products that combine quality, functionality and environmental responsibility, we hope to inspire both our customers and partners to make sustainable choices in their everyday lives.

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Quality & longetivity

.. when we started considering the options in the market, we had the knowledge og Skeies Seating. We know Skeie as a brand that stands for quality and longetivity. I choose to work with Skeie Seating bacause it’s the best cinema seat for comfort and long term use…

Kris Søgaard Pedersen,
Biografdirektør Palads Teatret

Since 1948

Since 1948 we have supplied fixed seating solutions that have exceeded our customer’s expectations.

A unique knowledge of materials, continuous product development, as well as several decades of direct contact with the market have made us Scandinavia’s premier fixed seating manufacturer for lecture theatres. 

Award winning design

Our products have gained recognition through design awards from the Norwegian Design Council and from Red Dot Design Award.

All design awards we receive are a confirmation of the work we put into creating designs that are visually inspiring as well as being functional and offer clear user advantages.

Reliable partner

As one of our customers, you are assured of development, manufacturing and delivery from one and the same company.

We are a partner who will listen and who will provide you with the best overall solution – at the right price, the right quality, and the right delivery time.

Here are some of our products

We believe that quality and sustainability will become even more important to our customers in the future, and will therefore continue to prioritise improvements over shortcuts to maximise sales.

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