Skeie | Amfi

Frontpage » Products » Amphitheater » Skeie | Amfi

Skeie has been design and delivering wooden amphitheatres in all sizes for decades. Over the years, we have developed a wooden construction that provides many qualities that less experienced amphitheatre constructors will have difficulty copying.

The most important thing is that our construction has an anchorage that takes out steps noise and squeaks, which in many contexts sounds easier than it really is.

With us, you are ensured an amphitheatre that allows for perfectly straight rows of chairs and properly dimensioned interface with the chairs, which is especially important when installing chairs on the tread.


Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions about this product, or if you would like to explore the possibilities with us. We are ready to help you!

Our way of constructing an amphitheatre gives a much more stable result than when using, for example, trusses. The amphitheatre is freestanding, with extra bracing towards the floor, and no connections directly to the walls.

With this construction method, we can deliver the amphitheatre with vibration traps against the wall, which prevents sounds that “travels through the building” from propagating into the amphitheatre, and vice versa.

Our amphitheatre is braced at each step, which takes out step sound and gives less risk for sagging decks. Our amphitheatre is also air tight, so that cavities below can be used as a pressure chamber for ventilation. The substructure is designed so that it is easy carry out work with other infrastructure (plumbing, electric power, etc.).

The construction is delivered according to local regulations and is engineered by a builder with the proper certifications. Wood and boards for the amphitheatre are delivered as pre-cut, which provides an efficient construction process and minimal dust production on site.

Wood that cannot be delivered as prefab is preferably processed inside the amphitheatre. We use a vacuum cleaner on all power tools to reduce the amount of dust as much as possible. In case of special requirements for cleaning, all dust-producing work is moved outdoors.

Support structure and load capacity for chair installation are adapted for the individual project. This applies to amphitheatres both with curved and straight rows.

Holes for ventilation / pressure chamber, inspection hatches, and for electrical boxes and tubes, are adapted to the chosen seating solution.

Handrails, carpets, coatings, step lights with control systems, and the like, can be supplied with an amphitheatre construction (see Accessories amphitheatre).

Our creative carpenters also undertake to build wall constructions, railings, stairs and whatever else might be needed in connection with such a project. We also have extensive experience with renovation or rebuilding of existing amphitheatres, to adapt these to new requirements for fire, escape, utilization of the room, etc.

Our amphitheatre can be adapted to all requirements in relation to BREEAM certification, fire and environmental requirements. Our carpentry team is known both for their tidy workplaces and for being creative and adaptable in relation to unforeseen conditions in the room.

An important point for many of our customers is also that they work very efficiently, which shortens the construction time in the room to a minimum. We use only skilled Norwegian labour for such assignments.


  • With Skeie’s expertise, you will have an amphitheatre that is optimized for the size of the room and its use. We make sure that guests get the optimal visibility and comfort.
  • Contact us for more information


  • See Accessories for amphi or ask us what else is possible!