Service & Reservedeler

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Skeie is a market leader in terms of maintenance needs and life cycle costs. We design our products for long life and minimal service needs, but like everything else, there will eventually be a need to repair natural wear and tear. As part of Skeie’s environmental strategy and requirements for low life cycle costs, our products are designed for easy replacement of wearing parts, for example with removable covers.

In many cases, you can also carry out a complete renovation of a hall, without having to replace fully usable parts (see for example the description of our Sonett). Skeie offers both service and spare parts for all our deliveries.

Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions about this product, or if you would like to explore the possibilities with us. We are ready to help you!


Our project managers will advise whether, from experience, there is a need for spare parts for the individual delivery.

We often recommend including in the initial order a small amount of cushions, armrests or other accessories, to ease the daily operation (due to cleaning, etc.).

We guarantee to be able to deliver service and spare parts for a minimum of 5 years from the time of installation, if damage that does not qualify as a warranty should occur. We can offer service agreements according to individual wishes and needs.

All self-produced products are offered with at least a 5-year guarantee against design and manufacturing defects, while purchased components such as electronics, textiles and products from our partners have continued guarantees from the manufacturer. Skeie’s products have normally no need for additional service, except for the recommended cleaning according to our MOM documentation (Management, Operation and Maintenance)