Nye Hjorten Teater – Trondheim

Frontpage » Projects » Nye Hjorten Teater – Trondheim

Nye Hjorten Teater is a privately owned folk theatre in Trondheim. The theatre opened on 15 January 2025. The theatre’s owners are REITAN, who have financed the project. The owners emphasise that the theatre should be a folk theatre that offers musicals, folk comedies, shows and classical masterpieces of high quality.

‘We are proud to have supplied specially designed seats and built the amphitheatres for this fantastic theatre in Trondheim.

We would like to thank Skanska Norge AS and the Reitan family, who are behind this generous gift. We are incredibly grateful to have been part of this journey in a project that really puts culture and quality at the centre.

The new Hjorten Theatre is a tribute to cultural life and will offer everything from musicals and folk comedies to family performances and classical drama.

We wish the theatre the best of luck in creating unforgettable experiences for audiences for many years to come!

You can also read about the project at Byggeindustrien here.

Please contact us if you have any questions about this project. We are ready to help you!

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